For New Zealand Yahoo Weather does not give an icon for the current weather - sun/cloud etc, consequently on PrettyMap it shows as a ? - if not already available any chance to enable this to be turned off
I have just downloaded successfully all 50 weather reports from the "CurrentWeather50" map, and it looks like this:
Sometimes, Yahoo has temporal problems with providing weather for some locations. These problems are usually fixed within a few days.
Related: If you are a registered used of PrettyMap Full, you can get weather for any location Yahoo supports:
Let us know if the NZ weather works for you, and if not, what is its location ID (the string starting with $NZXX....)
The problem appears to be the Yahoo site if you go to this link
you will see that instead of a sunshine icon you get N/A. I have checked other cities in other countries and they do not have this problem. It has been like this for the past couple of days so I am not sure if it is a permanent issue
Indeed! The weather icon says N/A and this is what Yahoo data feed says, too. I think they are going to fix it sooner or later.
I experienced even more serious problems with Yahoo, e.g. I was unable to download weather for some location for a week, but finally it all came back to normal.